Friday, November 3, 2017

Animated .gif

My Animated .gif

My first efforts in developing my own animated .gif was coming up with a rocket surprise ending. The idea I had for my gif was to make the rocket blast off on a launch pad, leave earth and enter space, which was located in a backpack, and finally exploding into someone's face. However, I did not want the explosion to be made out of fire, which is what it is normally, so I made it explode into a blue colored powder. I was able to do so by applying all the techniques I have previously learnt.

Rocket Surprise Ending
School Theme Key Club
My school themed gif I chose was for Key Club. 
I decided on this school theme because I'm a member of Key Club and Key Club needs more active members.
My animated gif message was to inform people from Colony high school that there is a club that helps you earn community services.
I believe the intended audience, those who are in need of community service, will respond to my animation because some people want community service so it looks good on their college applications.

I sent the gif to my Key Club advisor Mrs. Misawa and the response I received was "Awesome! Thank you!"

What I would do differently with my next project would be to make my gifs more smooth and to be more creative.

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